In 2005, I lost a pair of garnet earrings when someone rummaged through the bag I'd checked on an Air Canada flight from New York to Vancouver. When I complained, I was told more or less, too bad, the airline isn't responsible for that sort of thing. But my petty complaints pale in comparison to what happened to the Dowager Duchess of Argyll.

Then, one day six years later, she's thumbing through the catalog of Scottish auction house Lyon and Turnbull and darned if she doesn't see her diamond brooch up for sale. That would be the brooch she reported missing to BAA, the airport company that runs five airports including the one in Glasgow.
Now she's gotta be wondering how her pin wound up in the custody of a high-end auctioneer. Seems the airport authority found the jewels but rather than get them back into the hands of the proper owner, the BAA sold the whole lot to a diamond dealer for £5,000!
As you can imagine re-appropriating the jewelry of a real-live member of the Downton Abbey class is a big no-no as any number of British newspapers are making clear.
Embarrassed by all the publicity, the airport authority has offered to buy back from the auction house the jewels, the brooch and tiara seen above and a pearl necklace. The other pieces have disappeared, seemingly for good. Speaking to a reporter, the Duchess sounded pretty classy as well as thrilled to have even some of her fancy accessories back in her own jewelry box.
"I'm absolutely amazed. I thought that after six years I'd lost them forever," the Duchess said. "The tiara was a Victorian family one and the necklace was given to me for my 21st birthday. So everything was very special."
Twenty years ago, when I lived in Chicago, my apartment was burglarized and all my jewelry was stolen, so I sympathize with Lady Argyll. I didn't have anything in the same league as what she has, but jewelry - even cheap stuff like those garnet earrings lost en route to Vancouver can be imbued with sentiment.
What my bag looked like when I opened it. |
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