News reports say the 28-year old Panamanian woman attracted the interest of customs officials on Tuesday when she gave conflicting answers to routine questions about the purpose of her trip. A law enforcement spokeswoman said the passenger was wearing blood soaked bandages and reported to the agents that she'd undergone cosmetic implant surgery. The woman was taken to a nearby hospital where the bags were surgically removed.

"The amount of body cavity smugglers that are caught each year is miniscule compared to the amount that actually make it through checkpoints, border crossings, prisons and other controlled areas," according to Recovery First, a Florida based substance abuse clinic, calling "body packing" a worldwide problem of monstrous proportions.
Denzel Washington's movie Flight, notwithstanding, the aviation community needs to pay attention to how lax environments at airports encourage criminal activity because it's a short step along the path to permitting terrorist activity.
Shock/amusement/revulsion/dismay - chose one or chose all - follows a story like this one from Barcelona. But drama aside, good airport security is a lot more than political theater, or at least it should be.
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